5 U.S. Cold Water Diving Destinations

Cold water diving is not ever diver’s cup of tea, but the rewards can be immense for those who brave the frigid waters. There is some incredible marine life in cold water locations, and you can visit many awesome cold water dive sites without traveling outside the country. Here is a look at five awesome cold water diving destinations right here in the US.
Wall of Life, Inian Islands – Alaska
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This sweet diving spot has three kinds of coral reefs. It also is home to a wide range of marine life, including some of the most playful sea lions in the world. The octopuses and wolf eels are also fantastic.
Santa Barbara Island – California
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If you are a fan of sea lions, there is no better place to go cold water diving than Santa Barbara Island off the coast of California. The south side of the island is home to an enormous sea lion rookery, and the sea lions here love to do tricks and show off for divers. You can also head around to the west side of the island to see loads of sharks, seals, and sea bass at Ralph’s Ridge.
HMCS Yukon, San Diego – California
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via Barbara J. Lloyd
This destroyer was deliberately sunk in 2000 just off the coast of San Diego. It lies 100 feet below the surface, and there are loads of coral now growing all over its surface. This makes for an abundance of marine life around the ship. There are a number of entry and exit ports to make exploring the inside of the ship easy.
Keystone Jetty, Whidbey Island – Washington
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This is one of the best places in the world to see giant octopuses while cold water diving, as well as plenty of colorful invertebrates and crustaceans. There are also huge schools of red Irish lords, cod, and rockfish. Because of the strong currents around the jetty, it is best to use an experienced local guide here, and have strong diving experience yourself.
Atlantic Beach Old Bridge, Atlantic Beach – New York
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via seriouseats.com
If you want to see lobster in incredible abundance, check out the remains of this causeway off the coast of Long Island. You will also enjoy seeing huge schools of sea bass here.
Thank You very much for your support from Greg at Scuba happy and also thanks to Leisure Pro Aqua News (a wonderful resource) for the information and material for my readers. 😆