platypus submarine
platypus submarine

The Platypus Electric Submarine

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The Platypus Electric Submarine


Howdy from Scuba Happy  😆

Here is a very interesting idea that could be used for many types of exploration for someone on a budget, budget treasure hunter, cool. I found this information at

There are so many new and exciting things that are coming out in the near future. can’t wait.


There have been a number of attempts to sell a personal submarine to consumers over the years, but this one does things a little differently. It’s called the Platypus, and this all-electric submarine puts you and a friend under the water while it stays on top.

The Platypus is, essentially, an electric trimaran that you ride like a motorcycle, straddling the center section. Once you get where you’re going, you strap on your dive gear — the Platypus doesn’t provide its own sealed environment — and lower the center section. That move repositions the Platypus’ seats several feet below the water, giving you a 360-degree view beneath the waves.

If you’re having trouble picturing all that, this is the “above water” look …

Platypus Electric Submarine

… and this is the “diver down” look (from the surface).

Platypus Electric Submarine

See what I mean by “the center part that you ride on goes under the water”? While you’re down there enjoying the scenery, you’ll be propelled through the water by two Torqeedoelectric motors powered by a 10 kW lithium-ion battery pack. The combination is good for a top speed of about 10 knots, with around 30 miles of range available at a 5 knot cruising speed.

You can get a better sense of the Platypus’ clever design features in the company’s promotional video, below …

… and check out some of my favorite photos from Gizmag‘s image gallery at the bottom of this page.

What do you guys think of the Platypus? Does the electric submarine have a place among thepersonal watercraft of the world, or is a slow-moving underwater kayak that puts its rider’s face at propeller-level doomed to liability limbo forever? Let us know what you think in the comments!

Source | Photos: Platypus, via Gizmag.

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